Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How to Blow a Vacation

So Tropical Storm Fay is projected to be nothing major here... but it sure has screwed up our lives, just the same! Continental Airlines decided to cancel Z's flight down here... ok, we can understand that... sort of... I think they could have waited until they had more of an update and they would have seen that it is not going to be anything major... but ok... so they canceled... fine... BUT.... They did NOT make any arrangements to handle all the people who will now have no flight in to Ft Myers... they basically told her she could upgrade and pay for a 1st class ticket or just get a refund on her flight. They are NOT going to arrange for another flight! So she tried to book something on another day... yeah... well... the first available flight is next week!!! THIS STINKS... I can't believe they are not going to schedule a different flight down here!!!
Well I called and pitched a fit... finally got a supervisor on the phone... long & short is, they will put her on a flight on Friday but it changes over in Tampa... ok, not the ideal "non-stop" but at least it will get her here... and she can stay until the following Thursday.. better than nothing... but now she has to find out if they will let her have off from work next week instead of this week.. what a pain in the A%%
On a lighter note, went to Gaige's birthday party at Chucky Cheese tonite... it was crazy... I think everyone had fun...

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Our Story

My photo
We are the proud parents of a beautiful little girl. I have not stopped smiling since the moment they placed her in my arms. We adopted her Sept 2008 and it's been nothing but wonderful! She is the best reason to open my eyes every day! Currently living in SW Florida. I've also become a MAJOR Twilight junkie, so now I'm told I'm a TWI-MOM & I LOVE it!

Our Daughter Rachel MeiLi

Our Daughter Rachel MeiLi
Rachel MeiLi

Red Thread Legend

Red Thread Legend
Chinese Red Thread Legend


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