Friday, November 21, 2008

Welcome to my Nightmare

So this was NOT a fun week... it all started when I walked into the family room to find a spilled cup of iced tea surrounding my laptop. Long story short, I am now in the market for a new laptop! I was very lucky in that I was actually able to save all my stuff to an external hard drive before the thing completely fried.
I also had a tech come to check the desktop too... it had been running miserabley for a couple of years now... well, he said it was nothing to do with the hardware... all software issues... so he told me he would do a full recovery of the system (brings it back to factory settings... like I just took it out of the box) so that's what I did. Well, at least now I have ONE working computer in the house... and it really is working much better... still a little buggy, but nothing I can't deal with. At least the hard drive is not refreshing every 7 seconds like it was before...
Other than my computers... let's see... Penny ate my favorite sandals *( something we thought she had outgrown since she hasn't eaten a shoe in almost a year!!!)
Tommy got a speeding ticket AND a summons for Jury Duty on the same day...
Oh... and I still have the CMV, just not enough to qualify for the donor program anymore... so I still get to be a little sick, but without the benefit of getting paid for it... just when that extra money could have come in handy to buy a new laptop!!! figures...
On a positive note, Rachel couldn't get any cuter if she tried... every day she does something new to make me laugh like a little girl! Her latest thing is she is trying to wink... so instead she does her "squishy face" but squishes it more on one side! LOL... she is just killin me!
I'll post some pics when I have full acess to all computer stuff...

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Our Story

My photo
We are the proud parents of a beautiful little girl. I have not stopped smiling since the moment they placed her in my arms. We adopted her Sept 2008 and it's been nothing but wonderful! She is the best reason to open my eyes every day! Currently living in SW Florida. I've also become a MAJOR Twilight junkie, so now I'm told I'm a TWI-MOM & I LOVE it!

Our Daughter Rachel MeiLi

Our Daughter Rachel MeiLi
Rachel MeiLi

Red Thread Legend

Red Thread Legend
Chinese Red Thread Legend


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