she had a great time with that one! She also liked playing with Jack's matchbox cars, only she would hold them up to her ear like a cell phone!
After we came home from Tasi's shower, I left her with her daddy so I could catch some sleep before work.
Rachel got some beautiful clothes and adorable stuffed toys. She also got a few books and cd's. It was really nice. And we found out that the church picnic will be in a couple of weeks, and they all asked if we would be there. I remember going last year and it was really nice... so of course, we will be there this year!
After the shower, Tommy watched Rachel while I ran some errands. (Really exciting stuff... I bought a new shower head! WOOHOO!)
When I came home, we had lots of excitement. Rachel decided it was time to finally start
After she went to bed, we had dinner, but I was so totally exhausted, I almost fell asleep in my plate. So by 9pm, I decided I would rather sleep then eat. I plopped on the couch, put my laptop on my lap, and proceeded to fall asleep... hand on mouse and all... Tommy finally woke me at 2am to go to bed!
Today I decided it was finally time to get Rachel's ears pierced. So I'm sitting here waiting for her to wake up from her nap... we are going to hit Target for some shopping time first, and then go to the mall and find a good place to get her ears done. Then we will probably go to visit her Nana and Grandpa for a little while.
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