Thursday, June 26, 2008

Matching Has BEGUN

Our agency sent us an e-mail - Matching has begun!!! this is REALLY early, so we are keeping fingers & toes crossed that it means referrals will be early too! right now, we are counting on referral either July 3rd or 7th but if they have already begun matching, the 3rd is looking really good, and maybe even sooner! Not going to get my hopes up yet...

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Our Story

My photo
We are the proud parents of a beautiful little girl. I have not stopped smiling since the moment they placed her in my arms. We adopted her Sept 2008 and it's been nothing but wonderful! She is the best reason to open my eyes every day! Currently living in SW Florida. I've also become a MAJOR Twilight junkie, so now I'm told I'm a TWI-MOM & I LOVE it!

Our Daughter Rachel MeiLi

Our Daughter Rachel MeiLi
Rachel MeiLi

Red Thread Legend

Red Thread Legend
Chinese Red Thread Legend


Jodi's Greatest Hits - Some of my Favorite Tunes