Friday, September 21, 2012

Wedding Song

Mom & Dad have been married for 55 years. WOW...
     Tonight Rachel & i joined them at the Italian American Club, where they shared their special night with us and many of their friends. We had a really good time... especially Rachel, because she was the "Belle of the Ball"... the club president asked her to help him pick the winning ticket for the 50/50 drawing... and then he proceeded to guilt the winner into giving her a "tip" for picking his ticket! (I couldn't believe the guy didn't think of it himself, really!).  Then one of Nana's friends rewarded her for her outstanding dancing! LOL... She was SO excited to be out with the grown ups on such a special occasion!

 Took this shot before we left the house...

 Dancing with her Papa

It was a really nice cake...

From the left, My Dad, Rachel, Me, Uncle Babe & Mom... the rest of the table decided to sit out the picture ;-)

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Grow Old with Me

I can't believe it's been 13 years since I married this dear man!  He has been the most amazing partner, friend, & father!  And SO blessed to be able to celebrate & share the joy with my parents... in just a couple of weeks, they will ALSO celebrate THEIR wedding anniversary!  
September is a great month for weddings!

Monday, September 03, 2012

Finest Worksong

Time to celebrate Labor Day!  We had a fun time hanging out in the pool with Uncle Babe & the gang, AND
 we waved our flags proudly!

Saturday, September 01, 2012

In The Summertime

Just some random shots of some random cuteness... and beauty around the house...

 She felt like posing again
 Do I look cute?
 This beauty found it's way onto our lanai... It took me a couple of hours to try to coax it back out to the yard...

So beautiful..

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Daddy's Song

Happy Birthday to Rachel's favorite Daddy!  We had a great time celebrating Tommy's birthday at the Italian American Club with my folks, as well a few other friends!
 Rachel & I made a birthday cake at home for Tommy, but we didn't eat it till we came home from the wonderful party at the IAC... since they changed chef's the food there is FABULOUS!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Let's Have a Party

Still can't believe we spent a whole weekend at Chuck-e-Cheese for some birthday parties!  On Saturday, we had our first party and Nana came since it was her "Cancer Buddy" Gloria's granddaughter!

 She was actually trying to "strike a pose" or two... lol..

This was WAY more fun than she expected!
 And the very next day, it was time to celebrate yet again, with Chuck!  

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Dora came to town... or at least a REALLY scary version of Dora!!!  Isn't this the most terrifying Dora you have ever seen????  I'm SO glad my kid wasn't silly enough to fall for this one but she still had a GREAT time! Dora the Explorer needs to explore a new costume shop!

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Pulling Teeth

My brave little girl... She needed a "baby root canal" which apparently is very different from a grown up root canal... but she was actually so good about it that the Dr asked if she could do ALL the work needed now instead of splitting it into 2 visits (She needed a couple of fillings too). 

She actually handled it better this visit than she did when they were only taking xrays and cleaning her teeth!

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

School Days

It's time to get back to school! 

 She's telling Nana all about her day at school!  She is SO happy to be back at Temple Judea for her last year. Won't be long now before she is off to "Big Kid School"...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Judgement Of The Moon And Stars

 Every once in a while, Rach decides she wants to be a showoff in front of the camera. These moments are random acts of silliness... all the more reason to save them for all time!

             Looking like a little Pin-up girl!

Our Story

My photo
We are the proud parents of a beautiful little girl. I have not stopped smiling since the moment they placed her in my arms. We adopted her Sept 2008 and it's been nothing but wonderful! She is the best reason to open my eyes every day! Currently living in SW Florida. I've also become a MAJOR Twilight junkie, so now I'm told I'm a TWI-MOM & I LOVE it!

Our Daughter Rachel MeiLi

Our Daughter Rachel MeiLi
Rachel MeiLi

Red Thread Legend

Red Thread Legend
Chinese Red Thread Legend


Jodi's Greatest Hits - Some of my Favorite Tunes